dimarts, 11 de juny del 2013

Global Warming

1. What is the global warming? Is the contamination that humans made. This comtamination make more temperature in the earth. The  humans comtaminathe the earth with the coal, gas, fuel...

2.What is the porcess involved in the greenhouse?
 The Greenhouse is the effect who create the humans when we create a toxic gases and these go to the   atmosphere. These gases destroy the atmosphere and the rays of the sun enter in the earth and stay it, and then the temperature of the earth increases.

3.What sings warn us about global warming?
There are a lot of causes about globak warming, for exemple there is a less ice in the Artic and this causes the polar bear is a endangered specie.

4.Can you quote another term for global warming?
Is the contamination that humans created in the earth and this have a lot of causes like increases of temerature, cancers to humans...

5.Watch the video and explain this idea: Global warming: panic or reality?
I think isn't a panic, is a reality, but a lot of people is scared by contamination. Humans can resolve this contamination, but if we don't do nothing this will increase. PEOPLE IS A REALITY, WE MUST FINISH THIS!!!

Big question: What can we do to stop global warming? Suggest five ideas.
-Use renewable energy
-Use electric cars
-Use more the same object
-Create less pollution

Interesting videos:

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